Baby it’s cold outside. Named after the Roman god of war, the month of March made its namesake proud this week with an unexpected catapult of siege snow across southern Britain. But icy temperatures aren’t just for outside. If you work at Facebook HQ it’s “wintry” inside too.

FB’s founding father keeps the office thermostat at °F 59 (°C 15), which sounds quite balmy to the hardy folk at COVER HQ, but is apparently too cold for FB folk. Your scribe suggests Zuckerberg get on the dog and bone and order FilzFelt’s toasty Puritan plain but Pantone pretty thick wool felt rugs and felt wall covers.

If photos are accurate FB staff suffer from more than cold. The interior design looks more CAFO feed lot than social media Mount Olympus. FilzFelt floors, walls, screens and some natty felt cubes will soften FB’s corporate clink look. A beautified interior and the illusion, if not the reality, of warmth means the big kahuna can keep the thermostat snugly on “cold”. DJ


FitzFelt CNC cut, hand-stitched, 100% wool felt rug. FilzFelt client: Hacin + Associates